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The content of this website is the property of the Thera4Care consortium, created within the framework of the European Union's Innovative Health Initiative Joint Undertaking (IHI JU) under grant agreement ID 101172788 (https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101172788).
Our website is designed to enhance public access to information about Thera4Care’s activities and share the project’s results. Any distribution, reproduction, or disclosure of the content in any form or by any means requires formal approval from the Thera4Care consortium.
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The content on this website is protected by copyright under EC contract 101136379 and is owned by Thera4Care consortium members. Reproduction of any materials is strictly prohibited without prior written permission from the consortium.
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The views and opinions expressed on this website are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for any use of the information provided here.
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The EU logo displayed on this website is the property of the European Commission. Its inclusion signifies that Thera4Care is funded by the European Commission, which, however, bears no responsibility for the website's content.
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